Tuesday, June 12, 2007

All you ever wanted to know about a dam fettish..... but were afraid to ask

Shame on you.. you thought i was swearing didn't you.. tsk tsk.. not even close
It has come to my attention in helping clean out Joc's room that she is harboring a secret fettish.. In the bottom drawer of the old dresser, ( yes that's the one, the cherry wood that we so shameless painted over in the underpines of being young and foolish and broke, and thought it would look better).. we since know different but have yet to do anything about it.. but anyway.. do you want to hear about Joc's secret fettish or not.. stop interruping with silly questions. Now where was I.
Oh, yes, in the bottom drawer I found an whole envelope of dam pictures.. (there now you thought i was swearing again didn't you).. shame shame double shame.. i know your name.
No really pictures of dams, like St. Mary's Dam in particular. She says they were dads, but i will let you be the judge?????
Back to work for me.. ..
Love to all and let's all give a cheer for dam lovers everywhere, bye for now.