Sunday, March 25, 2007


No, that is not snoozing from the basement, it is musing.. We just watched The Hills have Eyes, and now i wonder if i want them, .. wow those were disturbing Hills, not like us Hills who are not disturbing at all, but normal, everyday, run-of-the-mill, types, you know.. .. anyway.. on with my musing or whatever.
In a somber moment, i was reflecting on the nature of horror movies and what they are as of late. Back when you all were kids, the horror was a little more hockeier and laughable, like the Creature from the Black Lagoon, or The Blob, or the old favorite Creepshow with the Zunni warrior, that Jon and i used to think was so funny. I did enjoy the horror shows, as they were called back then and they seemed to do no harm. The same is not true of the horror movies of today.
I admit i am getting old and being in the basement has probably narrowed my view of the world, but in watching that movie, and ones like Saw and Texas Chainsaw massacre, i wonder what have i created in the watching of horror movies. I love the time we spend as a family together and i like to think i can handle a lot of gore and disturbing content, but i must admit, in my musing, that i do not enjoy it as much as i used to.. Not that i don't love the time with family because i do, so very much, but i must admit, my limit of gruesome has reached it's limit.. Sorry guys, i am going soft and squishy, and you can call me whimp or whatever..
Just my musings from the basement.
So much for episode three.
Oh, by the way .. the t-shirt contest i know it was hard because everybody was so busy, but Justin, thank you, you are the official winner.. Thanks so much for changing the format.. i am so hoping i am going to have enough time to finish the t-shirts. i have bought t-shirts for everyone and plan on embroidering on them just before we go. Thanks again for the entries. Bryan ,, The Hills have Eyes, was considered, but after watching the movie, was sadly rejected.. Sorry. Love ya..
Love to all


Heather said...

Yeah I kind of did the horror show thing for a while but It creeped me out too much. Sorry I did not get a guess In I was thinking for a while womething along the lines of: Famsqueeze 2007 but that is hardly origonal. Yay Justin your Photoshop design was awesome!

Janna said...

Hey mopm, I completely understand. Sometimes I think I am getting used to horror movies, till I remember I spend the whole time hiding under a blanket which is why I can make it through them. Too scary. Although Saw is not too bad because Ben is in it. :)

Jen Andrews said...

It is interesting that in the past I abhorred horror (haha) movies. And now I enjoy them. Now I actually rent them and watch them by myself. Joc, do you remember when I would take you to horror movies and I would have to watch with my glasses off? Not anymore. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Well, it's probably a bad thing. I wonder why I just crave a gore-fest every once in a while. Just watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Beginning. Maybe it's time I gave horror the hang up, too. Once while watching I had the thought suddenly blaze into my mind, "Would President Orton be watching this?"
We all know the answer to that.