Wednesday, March 7, 2007

T-Shirt Contest

DUH!!! I don't know what i'm doing.. HELLO.. is this for real.. Norman is that you.. Come home to mother Norman.... My first order of the day is a name a t-shirt contest. This is open to all family members and expires on March 23rd. The winner gets bragging rights and a free t-shirt and who knows i might throw in a too-prize.. This is for a logo that i want to put on our t-shirts for the upcoming picture at Easter, that i am sssoooooo much looking forward to.. (You all listen to mother now, if anybody is thinking of not coming, just talk to Norman..).. he will change your mind.. Now that i have put the fear in you..LOL. anyway the logo needs to say something cutsy or whatever about our family that i can embroider on a tee shirt, no, not a pillow, a tee shirt, so nothing too big..just a monogram type thing, .. you be the judge.. that is all I have to say.. expect to know what i am doing would be nice.


Heather said...

wooo hooo congrats on your purty new blog. I feel so giddy!

Jen Andrews said...

ah, a daily dose of mum-isms. That should keep me happy while I'm so far away!

Janna said...

Hmm. t-shirts logo. Oh, mum, I just don't know! How abotu a line silouhette of Chief mountain and 2007 in front of it?